Monthly Archives: October 2016

To the Place I Used to Know


The strangeness yet familiarity surrounded me like a morning fog in another place weeks ago. I’ve been here in this place, for a long time, of course. However, being here again, after those times, gave me an odd feeling. You know, a feeling that cannot be shaken, because you know that the feeling must be there, yet somehow it didn’t make everything easier.

When you were gone for sometime and came back, the place you used to know, became the place that somehow, you used to know. The same place, the same city, the same surrounding, but different people. Hence, the smell feel different as well.

It’s my strange thought because not long time ago I found that my favourite restaurant still there, but the waiter gave me a slight smile, like I’m a stranger and an outsider.

It was my first impression when I came to the city I’ve been more than four years during my first degree. After going for a while, here I am again, trying to catch up, trying to understand, trying to adapt to the town I used to know.

Depok, 27 October 2016

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Tentang Pulang Kembali


Tentang datang dan pergi, tentang kembali kemudian berusaha memahami kembali. Tentang sudut-sudut yang familiar, akan tetapi entah mengapa terasa tidak sama lagi.

Tentang kembali pulang, tentang mengingat waktu yang sudah terlampaui. Tentang janji-janji yang harus ditepati. Tentang impian, harapan, sekaligus kenyamanan hal-hal konstan di dunia ini.

Tentang rumah, tentang keharusan meredefinisinya menjadi lebih dari sekedar tempat. Tentang rumah, yang lebih pada impian, masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan harapan di masa mendatang, yang tidak terlalu jauh.

Tentang hal-hal yang berubah, tentang ketidakkonstanan. Tentang memahami bahwa, terkadang, perspektif adalah satu-satunya hal yang bisa diandalkan.

Sragen, 21 Oktober 2016

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